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The Network

Looking for in-person community? Check out our list of verified Young Adult groups and ministries. We promise every program listed is active and ready to welcome you!


Building a network of people is all about fostering connections, and the best way to connect with other UU young adults is to JOIN OUR DISCORDDiscord is an computer and mobile app that basically a fancy, secure, private forum/chat room. There are no trolls there, just a community of Unitarian Unviersalist young adults.

You are also invited to join two Facebook Groups: UU Young Adult Connections - a place for young adults to talk, and the YARN All Ages Facebook Group, for anyone to join and post about UU young adults.

Official YARN Socials

Ride to Launch Site
Yellow Subway Seats

More UU Young Adult Facebook Groups:​

New York City
City Bus
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